06.08.2024 IAN “Story time: Star Wars, Queen’s Peril”


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Monday Youffraita

Tuesday: bigjacbigjacbigjac

Wednesday Pam from California

THURSDAY art ah zen

Friday FloridaSNMOM

Saturday FloridaSNDPapa

Sunday lumberjack

Greetings friends and welcome to another Saturday. We survived another week! Last week, I told you about a lovely book by EK Johnston, called “Star Wars: Queen’s Shadow. It was a beautiful story, well told. This week I read its prequel, titled “Star Wars: Queen’s Peril,” and I’m happy to tell you that it was just as good. EK Johnston has quickly become one of my favorite authors, and I really enjoy seeing the Star Wars saga from her perspective. This book revisits Padme and her handmaidens as the former has just won the election and become ruler of her home world, Naboo. This introduces us to his first mandate. and the capture and occupation of his planet by the Trade Federation. Again, I think this is a much better retelling of the story and I recommend reading it if you get the chance!

The Queen’s Peril


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