WhatsApp is reportedly working on a new feature that should be rolled out to users soon. People using the Meta-owned app will soon be able to add music to their status updates on the platform. This feature is currently being tested with some beta users for Android and iOS versions. Another Meta-owned app, the video and photo sharing site called Instagram, currently allows its users to add music to their stories, which is equivalent to WhatsApp’s status updates.
Music for Status Updates on WhatsApp for Android and iOS Users
WABetaInfo Feature Tracking states that the platform is working on a feature for its Android users that allows them to add music to status updates. It’s currently available to testers who have installed the WhatsApp beta update for Android, and may roll out to other Android users soon.
WABetaInfo also noted that WhatsApp beta update for iOS brings the same functionality to iOS users. Some users of the WhatsApp iOS beta program can access this feature after downloading the latest test version.
For Android and iOS users, a new music button appears next to the drawing, text and other editing options in the status update option for WhatsApp. They can search for songs or artists through this button and select the one they want.
After selecting a song, WhatsApp users can decide which section of the track to use. For photo-based status updates, the music clip can be up to 15 seconds long. However, for video statuses, the music video duration is determined by the video duration.
Integrating music with WhatsApp status updates is expected to increase viewer engagement and make the update more dynamic. One of the reports mentioned above mentions that the details of the embedded song will appear alongside the shared photo or video, as is the case on Instagram.
Viewers on WhatsApp who see the status update will also be able to connect to the Instagram profile of the artist whose music was used. It should therefore improve discovery and interactions with musical artists directly via WhatsApp.
Beta testers can install WhatsApp for Android beta from the Google Play Store, while WhatsApp for iOS beta can be accessed through the TestFlight app.