When the functionality appears (it has not yet appeared in Android 16 Beta 1), you can oppose by going to Parameters > System > Date and time. The description of this feature listed in the menu in the change of time zone can be read as follows: “Receive a notification when your time zone is automatically updated.”
The above -mentioned code channels that have been discovered in Android 16 Beta 1 show that notification will say something in the direction of “your changed time zone” and “you are now”. Consequently, not only will the notification alert you that you moved into an area in a different time zone, but you will also have informed of the name of the new time zone. Are you now in the East time zone or have you stayed in the central time zone? This feature will make you know.
Knowing that your phone displays the weather belonging to a different time zone, and knowing exactly what this new time zone can help users make an appointment with others. I am not sure that most of us change the time zone in which we are physically quite often to make it an essential functionality. On the other hand, it only takes an important business meeting that you missed because you forgot that the time zone has changed to understand how important this feature can be.
This is what the date & time menu will look like when the time zone change notification function will be available. | Credit and image credit authority
Will we see this new notification tool for change of time zone appear in Android 16? The stable version of the next Android version should be published during the second quarter, which means that it will not take too long until Android 17 is expelled in 2026.
If you plan to run the beta version of Android 16 until the stable version is broadcast, check the menu of date and time settings after each beta version to see if the function has been added. If we see it, we will update this story.