On January 23, Atari released a press release Disancing “Realpongcoin” or “$ pong”, a new cryptographic meme piece, including the account on X, “the all application”, was launched on the same day. Although the company is once ready to go all-in on Crypto and NFTS itself, Atari has since closed this side of the company and refocused on the edition of retro games and the history of video games.
“Realpongcoin or $ Pong uses the registered Pong brand of Atari without the consent or approval of Atari and the company has no affiliation with the Crypto project,” the press release said. “Atari warns the public that Realpongcoin may deceive consumers by suggesting an affiliation with Atari, and that the legal team of Atari actively examines measures to stop the abusive use of its intellectual property.”
Rapid control over Realpongcoin does not inspire much confidence. On Google, the news of the Atari Declaration on the question of the marshes everything that is turned off by $ pong, with the main footprint of the same corner being a account x sorry And a largely empty website that declares: “It’s not over … Yes it’s real …” With links to a telegram channel, a blockchain contract and a portal to buy $ pong.
Adopting a legal strategy of the school of case law “You must tell me if you are a cop”, the $ Pong X account declares “not affiliated in Atari” in two separate places. An opinion of non-responsibility on the website affirms “is not designed to be or to be perceived as an investment opportunity, an investment contract or security of any kind”. This last warning seems to have become a little a sheet of denial driver’s leader adopted by new cryptographic projects to defend itself against proceedings on their essential nature as badly regulated titles – the new Trumping has a similar warning.
All this raises the question: why even waste your breath on a clown show like this when you can simply let your legal team withdraw it behind the hangar with a minimum of fanfare? “”My press release “not involved in this shit press release to people who ask many questions answered by my press release.“”
The problem is that if you do not follow the company closely, you would be forgiven to think that it had fallen with a bad crowd. For a certain time in the late 190s and early 20s, Atari was a bit of an innovator in the art of the unhealthy crypto pivot I wonder what had happened to the publisher.
But then things took another tour: the current CEO Wade Rosen supervised the fasten From its more crypto companies and adjacent memes while making a reasonable change towards retro publishing and the preservation of games. Atari has acquired the Mobygame Video Game Industry Database, as well as retro developers focused on ECLIPSE and Nightdive digital remakers, and all three seem to be in good shape. Mobygams continues to function as usual, just with a User infrastructure and interface updateDigital Eclipse recently published the Rewind of Power Rangers Rangers Rita, and Nightdive is fresh out of the launch of his Remaster of the thing.
So the ship was returned, but that is precisely why Atari has more reasons than most of denouncing a crypto scam at night flying the flag of its IP. Even again, I do not know how the company will overcome the legal defense to any test of “no violation of the planned copyright”.