Android 16 allows pixel users to unlock their phones even if they do not find the fingerprint sensor

Starting with the Pixel 6 Series which was published in 2021, all Pixel models have a fingerprint sensor under the internship. For the biometric player to work on these pixel devices, the screen must be activated. Most smartphones do not have this restriction and Google seeks to delete it scanners from under-game fingerprints used on the Pixel 6,, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 6a, Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 7a, Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro, Pixel 8a, Pixel 9, Pixel 9 Pro,, Pixel 9 pro XL, and Pixel 9A models.
With Android 16 Developer seen 2, Google added the unlocking function of digital take -off impacts only at the Pixel 9 double. But with the last Android 16 Beta 3 version, the functionality is available for all pixel models with the sub-game fingerprint scanner performing the last Android 16 Beta. Unless Google removes functionality before the stable launch Android 16 Digative update that is Trix Trix, those of you who are afraid of touching beta software will obtain the unlocking function of digital take -off fingerprints with the stable version of Android 16.

What this feature does is allow you to use your fingerprint to unlock your pixel even if the screen is off. If you don’t want to wait for this feature to arrive with the stable Android 16 The publication and download of beta software on your phone make you too nervous, you can make sure that your screen is never completely dark. This can be done by activating the screen always on your pixel by going to Parameters > Display and touch > Locking screen And switch to “always show time and information”.

If you have just installed Android 16 Beta 3 or you wait for the stable Android 16 Free, the unlocking fingerprint unlock function will be deactivated by default. If you want to turn it on once you have installed the Android 16 in beta or stable form, go to Parameters > Security and confidentiality > Unlocking the device > Unlocking fingerprintsEnter your pin> Unlocking fingerprints And switch to the unlocking of digital takeoff fingerprints. With the functionality, even if the screen is off, put your finger on the screen area where the fingerprint scanner can be found will unlock the phone.

If you have the screen always deactivated to improve the battery life on your pixel, you may want to unlock fingerprints for digital take-off is activated. In this way, you can unlock your device even when the screen is off.

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