Apple’s three goals for iOS 19 fear the high sound, but just on the right

IOS 19 would present a large overhaul, alongside revised additional updates like MacOS 16 and iPados 19. According to Mark Gurman, Apple leaders have three goals in mind for updates, and they seem high but perfect.

Apple leaders have a clear vision of operating system revisions

In his Rise Newsletter during the weekendMark Gurman shared new treats on the expected iOS 19 overhaul.

Some of the most remarkable details have come in a paragraph speaking of Appleā€™s objectives for new updates.

Managers say that the objective is to simplify operating systems, faster to navigate and easier to learn. The software must also prepare the field for new hardware conceptions, including foldable devices and touch screen Macs. And he will have to adapt to an era dominated by assistants of artificial intelligence, rather than by people who dive continuously into and out of applications.

Based on this extract, it seems that Apple leaders have three explicit objectives. iOS 19 and his other updates must be:

  1. Easier to use
  2. Faster to navigate
  3. Easier to learn

It is also possible that these latest details – be ready for new material conceptions and an IA era – are based on what managers have also shared. But writing does not clearly show if they are only Gurman’s hypotheses or real objectives.

Anyway, let’s focus on the three elements that Gurman explicitly identifies.

The not so easy goals of iOS 19: “easier to use, faster to navigate, easier to learn”

All the objectives of Apple IOS 19 Redesign, on the surface, seem incredibly simple and intuitive.

In reality, they will undoubtedly be incredibly difficult to achieve.

When I think of “easier to use” and “faster to navigate”, I remember the iOS 19 clues on which I wrote last week.

More specifically, Apple’s trend far from navigation on the tab bar and towards scrolling interfaces from a single page.

The scrolling does not require much learning curve. Many of the most popular applications in the world – Tiktok and Instagram, for example – are designed around this simple mechanic.

But “simpler” in theory does not always mean simpler in practice.

Take for example the overhaul of iOS 18 photos of last year. The application had a navigation tab bar, then “simplified” in a design of a single page. There are advantages to this approach, but it has also introduced a lot of confusion for users.

In addition, iOS 18 has introduced a ton of new personalization options to make your iPhone more personal than ever. But customization generally does not correspond “easier to learn”.

The average reader of this site will probably have no problem personalizing their photo application, control center or locking screen.

But I suspect that a large part of the Apple user base will simply stick to the default provisions for everything. It is the “easiest” method.

All this to say, it will not be easy for Apple to achieve its goals, but they absolutely look like the right direction for the company.

IOS 19 Redesign: Solving the problem of complexity

The increase in power inevitably leads to greater complexity.

IOS 18 can do much more than the first versions of iPhone software. But this increased feature makes it more difficult for new users to start. He also led to discontinuity between the different platforms and Apple applications.

While the iPhone, the iPad and Mac share a lot of similar DNA, they also have their quirks. Likewise, the design of applications at Apple has broken out over the years, as some applications have retained older iOS conventions while others have obtained more modern updates.

An overhaul that makes it easier, faster and easier would greatly help solve these problems. After an enormous year of updates of features, iOS 19 could be the reset that Apple software needs.

It seems that Apple has the good idea in store for iOS 19, iPados 19 and MacOS 16. But what will its execution look like? For this, we will have to wait for the June WWDC unveiling and the first developer Beta.

What do you think of Apple’s reported objectives for the redesign of iOS 19? Let us know in the comments

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