The FTC and the FBI warn users of Android and iOS about a generalized phishing scam requiring the immediate payment of false tolls

Skaming calls and SMS are becoming more and more common, in particular with crooks from new ways of bringing users to fall into such activities and confuse unlined messages with legitimate messages. An emergency is created to act immediately and follow the instructions given, often finding themselves with people giving protruding personal or financial information….

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Do you use Android Android Auto?

For all its faults, I love Android Auto. Over the past ten years, Google has set up a really impressive interface to interact safely with your phone during driving. Reading the media, sending messages via voice commands, looking for restaurants in the middle of a road trip – there is really no other substitute on…

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Beware of Android users! The government warns against risk: how to protect your devices

The Indian IT (CERT-IN IT) emergency intervention team has issued a high priority security alert for Android users. The opinion warns against several vulnerabilities affecting the Android 12 versions 12 and later, which could represent an important cyber-manic for users. CERT-IND has identified that these safety defects come from the weaknesses of the Android frame,…

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