Mandiant associates with the Android team to tackle the hidden malicious software

Mandiant and the Android Security and Privacy team have collaborated to develop improved tools capable of detecting Android malware hidden in native mobile applications. While mobile devices become central for daily activities such as banks and health care management, they are increasingly attracting malicious actors aimed at operating sensitive data. A lucrative method used by…

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Here’s how to manage YouTube channels

For a channel, follow these steps: Open the YouTube application on your Android device. Access the home screen or use the search to find the channel video. Press the three vertical points next to the video name or the chain. Select “not interested” or “do not recommend the channel”. This action will prevent the videos…

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How to remove the incognito research history on Android, iOS, Mac and Windows; A step by step guide |

Incognito mode is a widely used browser functionality designed to improve user confidentiality by preventing browsing history, cookies and site data. However, many users assume that using the incognito mode completely erases their online activity, which is not entirely precise. Although the incognito mode guarantees that the history of your navigation is not saved in…

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