Facing camera, woman struck to death by train in Mexico while taking selfie

On Camera, Woman Struck Dead By Train In Mexico While Taking Selfie

The woman was reportedly killed instantly.

A woman died after she got too close to a train while clicking a selfie. The incident took place on Monday in Mexico and the video of the incident is gaining traction on social media. According to local media reports, some people had gathered to click a photo of a vintage train with a steam engine near Hidalgo as it passed by. The woman got too close to the train tracks as she positioned herself for a selfie with the approaching train, known as the ‘Empress’.

The clip shows the woman in the orange top preparing to take a photo while standing near a child. As the train approaches, the young man bends down and the woman prepares to take the photo.

She falls to her knees and the corner of the locomotive hits her in the back of the head, causing her to crash forward. The shocked child runs away while a nearby man grabs the victim’s body and pulls it away from the passing train just inches away.

Mexican media said the woman was in her 20s and was with her son and children from a nearby school. She is believed to have been killed instantly.

The “Empress”, whose official name is Canadian Pacific 2816, is a steam locomotive built in 1930. The passenger train departed from Calgary in April to cross Canada, the United States and Mexico in a single trip as part of the Final Spike Steam. Tour to celebrate a friendly merger that gave birth to Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC). The tour ends Friday in Mexico City.

The train, restored for this event, will return to Canada in July, where it will be retired.

Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) said in a statement that it regrets the incident and is working with police to conduct a thorough investigation.

“All persons wishing to observe the passage of the train must remain at least 10 meters from the tracks. Persons must never stop near or on the tracks themselves or attempt to board the train or any railway infrastructure. Always be careful around railway tracks and trains,” the CPKC said in the statement.

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