Google’s crowdsource finds that my network of peripherals has been a bit of a disappointment so far. Even if we have seen significant improvements recently, the fact that the devices only contribute location data “with the network in high traffic areas” by default instead of “with the network in all areas”, there are many places on the card where a lost device will probably not be found. Google does not yet change that, but it seems to make some adjustments on how phones and tablets are opted in the network.
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Good pings come to those waiting
In a report for Android authoritySleuth code Assembdebug have found many code channels in the latest beta version of Google Play Services (25.11.32) which indicate that modifications arrive at the opt-in flow for the research network (FMDN).
There could soon be several opt-in points instead of a single
As things are now held, you have automatically opted for the FMDN when you add your Google account to an Android device, provided you have not explicitly chosen on the web. The first piece of new code seems to indicate that the opt -in may no longer be as automatic – it seems that you receive options to participate in potentially different levels:
This device may join the network automatically after making sure you have not opted out on the web. You can join now by selecting one of the options below.
The next chain seems to save this theory. Instead of being automatically opted for the addition of your Google account – maybe if you have chosen not to participate in the guest – Google seems to prepare a message to inform you that activation of location services will automatically opt:
This device may join the network automatically if you turn on Location.
The following channels have a lot of exhibitional things that are not very relevant here, but an interesting piece is that all you would have to choose is to choose Recent synchronization of the location For another device in the Find My Device application to opt for the current device. This gives the impression that Google is preparing to make opt-in less automatic when adding a Google account and rather trigger the process when using other FMDN features:
To find this device when it’s offline, join the network by selecting one of the options below and signing in or entering your other device’s screen lock. This device will also join the network automatically if you use the Find My Device app to “sync recent location” of another device.
Google Find My Device App can now locate your friends
The problem is that you cannot see the card now
Even swinging phones could trigger an opt-in
Another channel suggests that if you were to get a new phone, tie the same Google account opted in, then stop using your old device, the new one would automatically be opted in the FMDN:
To find this device when it’s offline, join the network by selecting one of the options below and signing in or entering your other device’s screen lock. This device will also join the network automatically if you stop using your other device(s) or use the Find My Device app to “sync recent location” of another device.
We do not know what would trigger this, but another set of channels suggests the automatic opt-in when adding a Google account could be placed on a 24-hour timer in certain circumstances-perhaps if you choose “remind me later” when presented with the options mentioned in the first set of strings above:
This device will join the network automatically within 24 hours. You can join now by selecting one of the options below.About to join the network.
This device will join the network automatically soon. You can opt out or join the network now by selecting one of the options below.
A final channel mentions Google by sending you an email to explain that your device will be automatically opted.
This device will join the network automatically in about a day as explained in a recent email we sent you. You can opt this device out or join the network now by selecting one of the options below.
Since these channels were found in a beta version of the application, it is quite possible that the changes they seem to describe can never come. But more transparency when you opt on the network, in addition to linking opt-in points more closely to your use of the Find My Device application, could lead to more people to seriously.