How to Stay Safe During Mosquito Season in New Orleans | Entertainment/Life

The weather is hot and humid and there are plenty of mosquitoes in South Louisiana right now.

Each year, the state sees an influx of mosquitoes from early spring through the fall months, typically peaking during the summer.

Louisiana has more than 60 species of mosquitoes, but the most common in the New Orleans area are the Asian tiger mosquito, the Southern house mosquito, and the yellow fever mosquito.

Getting bitten by a mosquito isn’t just annoying and itchy. It can also increase the risk of contracting mosquito-borne diseases, such as West Nile virus.

In 2023, Louisiana saw 65 cases of West Nile spread across multiple regions, including 46 cases of neuroinvasive disease and four deaths, according to the Louisiana Department of Health.

No locally acquired cases of dengue fever have been reported in Louisiana in recent history. However, LDH says the species of mosquito that transmits this virus is present in the state.

According to the New Orleans Mosquito, Termite and Rodent Control Board (NOMTRCB), no West Nile virus-positive mosquitoes have been detected in Orleans Parish so far this year.

Here’s what you need to know about the 2024 mosquito outlook and how to keep them at bay.

A pair of Culex nigripalpus mosquitoes seen under a microscope at Mosquito Abatement & Rodent Control headquarters on Wednesday November 29, 2023.

Mosquito numbers in New Orleans

In recent times, the city has been experiencing heavy rainfall, which often leads to an increase in the number of mosquitoes.

City officials say they have started to notice an increase in the number of southern house mosquitoes, including the species that is the primary vector of West Nile virus. The increase is typical because peak mosquito season in Louisiana is typically from late May through September.

But even though the South’s house mosquitoes are currently peaking, the numbers overall are lower than their five-year average and the numbers the city recorded last year, said Alex Pavlakis, a NOMTRCB mosquito specialist.

To combat the increase in mosquito numbers, the city’s mosquito committee uses a variety of tactics, including spraying adulticides to target adult mosquitoes and sending mosquito inspectors to eliminate larvae in areas breeding hot.

New Orleans fogged certain areas of the city Thursday evening to target adult populations.

As for when the annoying skeeters will disappear, that usually depends on the year and the weather, Pavlakis says.

Generally, as it gets colder, the numbers go down, which we all know won’t happen for several months.

How to protect yourself and your home

As peak mosquito season approaches, it is important that New Orleanians do their part to reduce the number of insects and prevent themselves and others from being bitten.

The most important way to prevent mosquitoes is to dispose of any standing water that may accumulate outside your home, according to NOMTRCB Director Claudia Riegel.

Riegel stressed that every little bit helps increase the number of mosquitoes in the city as a whole and encouraged residents to spend even 10 minutes a week scanning their yards on trash day to see if there are any. has objects likely to collect water.

Even small containers of water, like a soda can, can provide an incredibly productive site for mosquito breeding.

And if residents spot any areas of standing water around the city that could be a hot spot for mosquitoes, they can call 311 to report them to NOMTRCB.

As for keeping bugs off your skin, long sleeve bug spray and staying close to the airflow of fans when you’re outside is your best bet.

Southern house mosquitoes also bite in the evening, Reigel says, so try to reduce your time outside at night.

Additionally, if you are going on vacation abroad, it is very important to protect yourself from mosquitoes. Although there are no mosquitoes carrying the Zika virus or dengue fever in our area, some insects in other countries do.

Here are some additional tips for staying safe during mosquito season.

Keeping insects away from you

  • Wear EPA-registered insect repellent when you know you will be outdoors
  • Wear loose, long-sleeved clothing
  • Spray insect repellent on exposed skin or clothing
  • If you use sunscreen, apply sunscreen first and then insect repellent.
  • Wear Permethrin-treated clothing or equipment if you know you will be outdoors or for extended periods of time.

Prevent insects in your home

  • Cut open doors and windows and check for holes in screens to make sure no insects can sneak inside.
  • Dispose of all standing water around your home, including birdbaths, buckets, trash cans, and children’s toys, at least once a week to prevent mosquito breeding.
  • Turn over any items that could collect standing water
  • Scrubbing birdbaths or anything that constantly retains water to infect larvae
  • Clean swimming pools that are not in use collect water outside
  • Use mosquito fish in your ponds
  • Check and clean your gutters

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