While there are some cool features like eye tracking added to iOS/iPadOS 18, I have a feeling the new accessibility feature, “Motion Cues,” will be the one that gets the most use.
If you go to the “Accessibility” section of the Settings app and then choose “Motion,” you can enable “Vehicle Motion Indices.” There are two options when you turn it on: one to force it to turn on and another that appears automatically when your phone detects that you’re moving quickly.
Once you enable it in Settings, your phone or iPad will also add a button in Control Center. Tapping the new button brings up the same menu from Settings that lets you toggle the feature on/off or set it to Automatic.
When the feature is enabled, about eight small gray dots appear around the edges of your screen. These move with the movement of the car to help your brain stay oriented when you’re a passenger.
Although it seems strange, after using it on a few long trips over the holidays, my girlfriend Alex found it helped. For now, she has it set to Automatic, which makes it appear every time we’re in the car. It’s also less distracting than we initially thought.
After reading more online, I noticed that this feature doesn’t work for everyone. I still think it’s worth a try to see if it works for you. Apple Support Page also mentions that if you have to constantly turn it on and off, you can make it a shortcut and add it to more places around your phone.
Source: Apple Support
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