Morocco is accompanied by the purchase of crypto; AI threatens polls

Morocco writes citizens who use digital currency to buy real estate in other countries, violating the laws on capital flights in the midst of an increase in the adoption of digital assets.

In recent months, the intensified surveys of the Morocco Office of foreign exchanges have found that Moroccans have acquired goods in Spain, in the United Arab Emirates, and a handful of other nations in violation of the laws of the country, according to at local hipress. Citing sources within the office, the point of sale noted that the surveys are carried out by the supervisory and surveillance department and have been triggered by reports by international authorities on Moroccan financial crime and illegal capital flows.

Moroccan laws oblige citizens to acquire assets in other countries to use regulated banking systems and obtain authorization from the exchange office, which examines each case independently.

However, some Moroccans have found a bypass solution through digital assets, which operate outside the country’s financial laws. The office found that BTC and USDT were the most popular tokens in this process, citizens based on agencies specializing in offshore real estate properties.

The office also represses promotions that target Moroccan investors, publishing lucrative real estate opportunities in other countries. The reports indicate that these promoters offer investment opportunities for several million dollars, with marketing visits for investors. They accept payments via formal banking channels and digital assets; The authorities allege that many of those who use the latter do not require the required authorization of the exchange office.

Digital assets are a daring choice for Moroccan investors, especially because they are prohibited in the country. The North African Nation prohibited digital assets in 2017 for fear of being able to improve money laundering and other illicit activities. The exchange office also said when digital assets had violated exchange regulations.

However, the ban did not do much to remove adoption. A recent report by hellosafe comparison platform find These 16% of Moroccans hold digital assets, which is equivalent to more than 6 million holders. Since 2019 – two years after the official ban – ownership of digital assets has increased by 60% in Morocco, going beyond adoption in bastions such as Russia, Spain, the Philippines, Mexico and Vietnam. Only Nigeria, Kenya and Egypt have recorded higher property rates in Africa; The adoption push of 138% of Egypt was the highest 13th in the world.

This increase in adoption prompted the Moroccan government to reconsider the ban. Last November, the central bank of the country, the Al-Maghrib bank (BAM), revealed that it was writing a new legal framework that would legalize and regulate digital assets.

Morocco digitizes children’s health files

Beyond digital assets, Morocco is working to adopt a digital economy to improve the efficiency of the public service, reduce costs and offer more opportunities to its inhabitants. The latest initiative aims to digitize children’s health files.

The National Observatory for Children’s Rights (wave) announcement that he had associated himself with the Ministry of Health and Social Protection on the initiative. It aims to make access to health care easy and practical for children, the digital platform providing all essential medical information on a child to the doctor, including previous medical consultations and vaccination files.

Although there is no mention of the blockchain, technology becomes a popular choice to protect medical health files. Blockchain offers immutability, ensuring that the data remains unchanged, and as it is decentralized, this data belongs to the patient and may be available for youth. Technology such as zero knowledge (ZKPS) allows patients to share specific information only while preserving confidentiality. VXPASS stands out in this sector, using the BSV blockchain to reshape medical files and offer sovereignty of digital health.

Digital health files align with Digital 2030 Morocco, a roadmap by the Moroccan government of “designing digital solutions adapted to the cultural and social particularities of our country”. The roadmap places digital technology at the heart of Morocco’s economic development. It pleads for the digitization of public services to reduce bureaucracy and stimulate access, as well as the development of a digital economy in order to create 240,000 new jobs.

AI threatens the elections of Africa, peace: study

Meanwhile, artificial intelligence (AI) becomes an essential tool in electoral cycles in the world, governments and institutions using technology in voter education, verification of facts, prevention of fraud, predictive analysis, etc. However, it was also widely used, from deep manipulation and mass disinformation campaigns to the suppression of voters and cyber attacks. A recent study revealed that the negative effects of AI on electoral processes are disproportionately in Africa.

Directed by the South African Institute for Security Studies and the Institute of Germany Cybercelligence, the study focused on the disinformation of AI through Europe and Africa. He was sponsored by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the reflection group linked to one of the largest German political parties.

While AI presents serious risks for democratic elections in Europe and Africa, the study has revealed that its effects on these can be more devastating due to limited investments in electoral systems and a lack of research on the effects of AI.

In 2024, more than a dozen African countries organized presidential and parliamentary elections, including Senegal in March, in South Africa in May and Ghana in December. In South Africa, AI was widely used to target the country’s 26 million social media users with three main objectives: support accounts, candidates approving and for satire and ridicule, the study revealed.

“Artificial intelligence constitutes a threat to democratic principles, therefore controls and counterweights are urgently necessary to ensure that the advantages prevail over damage. I am afraid that wild technology can transform Africa into the scene of a global arms race in disinformation led by AI, “said Karen Allen, one of the two main researchers in the study, based in South Africa.

Last year, the South African elections were the first in which the African National Congress, which ruled the country since independence, failed to obtain a majority in Parliament. The AI ​​would have played an important role in the changing political landscape.

Beyond the elections, disinformation and disinformation fueled by AI have targeted the conflict zones to stretch clashes by spreading hate speech through Deepfake videos, according to the report.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo was locked in a civil war between government forces and M23 paramilitary group, which has made more than 7,000 lives since January. This conflict has provided an ideal environment for AI disinformation and propaganda, each faction using technology to return the public against the other, the study said. This includes Deepfake videos and photos that represent the president of the DRC, Félix Tshisekedi, like the chief of the chalet.

“Artificial intelligence propels disinformation into a new era – faster, cheaper, more widespread and more convincing than ever. Neither the states, nor the authorities, nor online platforms, nor technological companies are currently implementing effective countermeasures. What we have seen so far is only the tip of the iceberg – and a diabolical promise for the future, “commented Christopher Nehring, the European study chief.

The blockchain offers one of the most effective tools to combat the disinformation of AI. The big transparent and immutable book of Blockchain presents the essential confidence in AI, creating an audit track which can verify the use of the AI ​​and allow the authorities to identify and penalize abuses.

For artificial intelligence (AI) to work directly in law and thrives in the face of increasing challenges, it must integrate a business blockchain system which guarantees the quality and property of data, which allows them to protect data while guaranteeing data immutability. Discover CoiiSgeek blanket on this emerging technology to find out more Why the corporate blockchain will be the backbone of AI.

Watch: Demonstrate the potential of the fusion of the blockchain with the AI Title = “YouTube Video Player” Frameborder = “0” Allow = “Acceleromment; autoplay; clipboard-twri; Encrypted-Media; Gyroscope; Image-In-Picture; Web-Share” Retrmerpolicy = “Strict-Origine-Ohen-Cross-Ovin” Alowlscreen = “”>

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