How to Fix AutoCorrect Issues on iOS 18: 8 Solutions

The iPhone’s Smart Keyboard and AutoCorrect are generally effective in helping you avoid embarrassing typos. But what happens if this handy feature backfires and starts malfunctioning? This is exactly what you might encounter in the iOS 18 update. Maybe autocorrect isn’t working at all, or maybe it’s making mistakes and giving you incorrect suggestions. Should…

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AI, WSIS+20 and the Global South

“Building our Multistakeholder Digital Future” was the theme of the 19th edition of the UN-based Internet Governance Forum (IGF). It attracted more than 11.000 participants (Offline and Online) from all over the world in Riyadh/Saudi Arabia, December 15-19, 2024. In the 307 plenaries, workshops, open fora, lightening talks and other conversations in the meeting rooms…

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