Sunday said: “The cryptocurrency scam which has turned a small town against itself”

Jim Tucker could hardly believe what he heard. It looked like a fiction, a nightmare too weird for a modest city like hers.

It was in July 2023, and Tucker organized a meeting of the Board of Heartland Tri-State Bank, a community company in a small town in Kansas called Elkhart. Heartland was a beloved local institution and a source from Tucker Family Pride: Tucker sat on the board of directors with his elderly father, Bill, who founded the bank four decades earlier. All members of the board of directors – Tuckers and several other farmers and businessmen – have known each other for years.

That evening, however, they gathered to discuss what seemed, on the front, an epic betrayal. In recent weeks, the long -standing president of the bank, a local popular businessman named Shan Hanes, had ordered an unexplained series of metal transport that has drained tens of millions of dollars in the bank. Hanes converted funds into cryptocurrencies. Then the money disappeared.

There are many ways to listen to “everyday life”. Here’s how.

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An additional production for Sunday reading was brought by Isabella Anderson, Anna Diamond, Frannie Carr Toth, Elena Hecht, Emma Kehlbeck, Tanya PĂ©rez and Krish Seevasan.

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