The Samsung One 7 blog post reappears in the middle of the confusion launch date

(Update 3/24 9:50): The official Samsung blog post announcing the deployment of the IU 7 seems to have fallen on its website after its disappearance during the weekend. This has led to several interrogations on Samsung’s intention to deploy the operating system update for its users.

According to its appearance, the blog post could have been missed due to a technical problem, however, Android Central contacted the Korean OEM and will update this article once we have more information.

What you need to know

  • Samsung deleted the UI 7 UI 7 deployment position, initially scheduled for April 10.
  • The global deployment is still scheduled for April 7, but American users could face an uncertain waiting time.
  • The update has several improvements in relation to previous versions, but there is no information on the moment when it could really become available. .

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