Dragon Ball has chronicled Goku’s heroic adventures for nearly half a century and he’s made some unforgettable friends along the way. Dragon Ball has established an increasingly large cast of supporting characters, many of whom would be the strongest character in any other shonen series. Dragon Ball loves a redemption story and Android 18 is one of the series’ most unexpected shifts from enemy to ally.
Android 18 is a worthy opponent during Dragon Ball Z’s Cell Saga, who goes on to become a valuable hero, Krillin’s wife, and the mother of Marron. Android 18’s skills have been allowed to develop over time and she’s a character who hasn’t shied away from combat. In fact, 18 played an integral role during the Tournament of Power, the battle against Cell Max, and the assault on Moro’s Galactic Bandit Brigade. Android 18 has become so powerful since Dragon Ball Z, her Power Level is high enough to take on some of the series’ strongest villains.
Every Time Vegeta Surpassed Goku’s Power Level in DBZ & Dragon Ball Super
Vegeta is famously weaker than Goku, but there are several instances in DBZ and Dragon Ball Super where the Saiyan Prince has the higher power level.
Frieza’s Not Beating Android 18 Without His Golden or Black Forms
Anime Debut: Dragon Ball Z, Episode 44, “Brood Of Evil”; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball Z, Chapter 53 (Dragon Ball Chapter 247), “Planet Namek, Cold and Dark”
Dragon Ball has come a long way from Super Saiyan Goku’s clash against Frieza on Planet Namek, but this remains a pivotal battle that irrevocably changes Dragon Ball’s future. Frieza is responsible for Planet Vegeta’s destruction, Krillin and Vegeta’s deaths, and he cycles through multiple transformations before he achieves peak power. In his final form, Goku is the only one who is strong enough to take on Frieza.
Android 18 would also be able to triumph in this case, considering that in Dragon Ball Z she proves to be stronger than Super Saiyan Vegeta. Frieza has found ways to return to the fray with both a Golden and Black form at his disposal, which elevate him to unimaginable power. Android 18 would be hopeless against Black Frieza and it would be extremely difficult for Android 18 to overpower Golden Frieza. Dragon Ball Super’s Frieza is too much for Android 18 to handle, but she won’t struggle against Dragon Ball Z’s iteration, even Mecha-Frieza.
Spopovich Was Too Much For 18 in the Buu Saga, But She’d Obliterate Him Today
Anime Debut: Dragon Ball Z, Episode 213, “Big Trouble, Little Trunks”; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball Z, Chapter 244 (Dragon Ball Chapter 438), “The Finalists Are Chosen!”
Dragon Ball Z’s Buu Saga introduces many new and powerful characters, friend and foe alike. Babidi, a dark wizard, pulls many of the strings that trigger Majin Buu’s awakening and the corresponding peril that transpires. Babidi’s plan begins with manipulation sorcery that turns several powerful warriors into his obedient minions who will aid him in Buu’s awakening. One of these subjects is Spopovich, a martial artist who previously made waves at the World Martial Arts Tournament.
Spopovich looks intimidating, but his Majin status causes him to turn off any mercy and empathy, which leads to a particularly brutal beating against Videl. Android 18 may not look demonstrably stronger than Videl, but her powerful Android infrastructure would protect her from Spopovich’s hefty strikes. Spopovich packs a heavy punch, but he doesn’t appear to possess any ki skills beyond flight. Spopovich would submit to Android 18 once he learns that his muscles can’t solve this problem.
The Only Way Dabura is Beating Android 18 is With Dragon Ball DAIMA’s Third Eye
Anime Debut: Dragon Ball Z, Episode 220, “The Wizard’s Curse”; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball Z, Chapter 252 (Dragon Ball Chapter 446), “Bobbidi The Warlock”
Dabura is the strongest of Babidi’s minions and it’s actually quite impressive that his manipulation sorcery manages to ensnare the Demon Realm’s Demon King, Dabura. Dabura overpowers Super Saiyan 2 Gohan and it’s Buu, of all people, who ironically defeats this demon menace. It’s stated that Dabura’s strength is on par with Cell, plus his Stone Spit petrifies its targets, and he’s incredibly handy with his Darkness Sword.
Which of Dragon Ball Super’s 5 Main Characters Deserves to Beat Black Frieza the Most?
Goku, Gohan, Broly, Piccolo, and Vegeta all have reasons to hate Black Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, but only one of them can defeat him.
Android 18 wasn’t able to do much against Dabura during the Buu Saga, but she’s since reached a point where Dabura’s power level and tricks wouldn’t be enough. Android 18 faces far stronger – and more resilient – enemies during the Tournament of Power. Android 18 would have to stay on alert, but this is her battle to win.
18 Would Humiliate Perfect Cell as of Dragon Ball Super
Anime Debut: Dragon Ball Z, Episode 141, “The Reunion”; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball Z, Chapter 166 (Dragon Ball Chapter 360), “Kami-Sama And The Demon King Become One”
Cell is a worthy successor to Frieza who also embraces the transformation formula, although his additional forms are dependent upon the absorption of specific individuals. Cell marks a real turning point in Dragon Ball Z and the first villain who requires Super Saiyan 2 in order to be defeated. Cell is unquestionably strong, but he also carries the DNA of Earth’s strongest heroes.
This means that Cell has several crucial skills that make his destruction all the more difficult, such as Instant Transmission and Namekian regeneration. This makes Android 18’s goal significantly more challenging because Cell needs to be completely destroyed, so that regeneration is impossible. Android 18 was terrified of Cell back in Dragon Ball Z. Now she’s more than capable of taking out the villain in a singular destructive blast. Android 18 certainly holds her own against Cell Max, after all.
Botamo Would Challenge 18 to Think Outside the Box
Anime Debut: Dragon Ball Super, Episode 32, “The Matches Begin! We’re All Off To The ‘Planet With No Name!'”; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 7, “Warriors From Universe 6”
Dragon Ball Super gets a lot of mileage out of its multiverse, particularly when it comes to Universe 7’s sister realm, Universe 6. Android 18 doesn’t get to test her skills against Universe 6’s finest during the Tournament of Destroyers, but she makes up for this with her impressive Tournament of Power performance. Botamo is a reliable fighter, albeit one who isn’t on par with other Universe 6 fighters like Hit and Kale.
Botamo’s greatest asset is that his durable body acts as a natural shock absorber that nullifies all attacks, whether they’re physical strikes or energy attacks. This means that conventional combat doesn’t work against Botamo and most victories against him involve literally throwing him out of the arena. Android 18 doesn’t look especially strong, but her Android power means that she could easily hurl Botamo wherever necessary. Her punches may actually even be able to faze Botamo because of the extra Android intensity that she brings to every attack.
Auta Magetta Would Crumble Under 18’s Natural Insults
Anime Debut: Dragon Ball Super, Episode 32, “The Matches Begin! We’re All Off To The ‘Planet With No Name!'”; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 7, “Warriors From Universe 6”
Auta Magetta is a member of the Metalman race, which seems to exist in both Universes 6 and 7. Auta Magetta seems like a near-impossible enemy at first glance. He weighs over 1000 tonnes, can increase an arena’s temperature to punishing heights, and spit out lava that can also be hardened and turned into weapons. This is an impressive arsenal of abilities, let alone the fact that Auta Magetta is a tall character who looms over most of his opponents.
This Overlooked Dragon Ball Z Movie is a Way More Dramatic Ending For the Anime
Dragon Ball Z’s Wrath of the Dragon is an excellent movie that could have functioned as a much stronger anime series finale.
There’d be some kitschy value to a fight between Android 18 and Magetta, considering that they’re both different types of machines, albeit extremely different ones. Many of Auta Magetta’s tactics, like his ability to increase the temperature, wouldn’t affect Android 18. Android 18 may struggle to lift Auta Magetta. However, all Metalman individuals have an ironic weakness where they’re extremely vulnerable to verbal insults. All that Android 18 needs to do is mock Auta Magetta for a few minutes and victory would be hers.
18 Can’t Beat Black Frieza, But She’d Ice Frost
Anime Debut: Dragon Ball Super, Episode 32, “The Matches Begin! We’re All Off To The ‘Planet With No Name!'”; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 7, “Warriors From Universe 6”
Dragon Ball Super briefly entertains the idea that Universe 6’s counterpart to Frieza – Frost – is actually an altruistic hero who has helped resolve wars rather than bring them into motion. This is a fun change of pace, only for it to later be revealed that it’s all just part of Frost’s manipulative subterfuge. He’s just as wicked as Frieza in the end. Frost hasn’t tapped into Frieza’s latest transformations, like his Golden and Black forms.
Frost is still dangerous, but Android 18 has evolved into the superior fighter. She’s savvy enough to not fall for any of Frost’s tricks – which is where he typically gains the advantage – and she’s strong enough to counter his strikes and then finish off the annoying antagonist. Android 18 conquers more formidable foes during the Tournament of Power, such as Universe 3’s Ribrianne.
18 Would Take Advantage of Super Saiyan Cabba’s Lack of Confidence, Training & Structure
Anime Debut: Dragon Ball Super, Episode 32, “The Matches Begin! We’re All Off To The ‘Planet With No Name!'”; Manga Debut: Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 7, “Warriors From Universe 6”
It’s a major bombshell when Dragon Ball Super reveals that Universe 6 still has a thriving Saiyan population. Cabba, Kale, and Caulifla become Universe 6’s central Saiyan representatives, all of whom prove to be complete naturals when it comes to controlling Super Saiyan. Kale is Universe 6’s Legendary Super Saiyan and she’s able to fuse with Caulifla into Kefla, a character who dominates at the Tournament of Power and doesn’t flinch against Ultra Instinct Goku. Kale, Caulifla, and especially Kefla would be too much for Android 18 to handle.
Cabba, on the other hand, seems like a more achievable victory. Vegeta helps Cabba ascend to Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan 2, but he still lacks the necessary experience and confidence to defeat Android 18. Combat is still relatively new for Cabba, whereas Android 18 has been battling since her activation. Android 18 has been crafty enough to defeat Vegeta and so Cabba – his protégé – shouldn’t be any different.