These two features of Apple Intelligence will be published on iOS 18.4

Jakarta Apple started testing iOS 18.4 in beta version. After being launched to the developers listed, it was revealed that Apple would launch the last feature of Apple Intelligence.

The presence of this feature has been disclosed for a few months ago, even before iOS 18.4 begins to test. Consequently, these features are eagerly awaited in the launch of the stable version. Here are some of the features.

Priority notification

This feature was revealed since the WWDC event took place last year. Apple said that priority notifications would be part of Apple Intelligence, but they have not disclosed the exact date of its launch.

Priority notifications are the ability to analyze notifications with the support of artificial intelligence (AI). This feature will study the most important notifications and display them at the top.

The incoming notifications will be considered important depending on the context and time. In this way, users of the iPhone 15 Pro and above will not lack important notifications due to stacking.

Image playground

This feature has been published since the end of last year. Its function is quite simple, namely to create an image based on the description of the text or photos in the gallery. Of course, this feature is supported by AI.

However, on iOS 18.4, Apple will add a new option, namely Sketch. With the sketch option, users can create images that are handing out or like an image from a pencil.

This image is certainly different from other creation options, namely 3D and illustration. With 3D, the image will look like an animation, while illustration is a simpler form of 3D images.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic and French versions are automatically generated by AI. There may therefore still be inaccuracies in the translation, please always see the Indonesian as our main language. (System supported by Digitalsiber.iD)

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