Trump calls China’s AI DeepSeek breakthrough ‘a wakeup call’ — but ‘positive’ if true

Doral, Florida – President Trump described the new Chinese AI platform Deepseek on Monday on Monday a “alarm clock” for America – while saying that its beginnings could be a “positive” development if it really works at a lower cost that American competitors.

“I have read on China and some of the companies in China, one in particular from a faster AI method and a much cheaper method,” said Trump, 78, in an address to Republicans.

President Trump described the new Chinese AI platform Deepseek on Monday on Monday “alarm clock” for America – while saying that its beginnings could be a “positive” development if it really works at lower cost than American competitors. Reuters

“And that’s good because you don’t have to spend so much money. I consider it as a positive asset. So I really think – if it is if it is a fact, and if it is true, and no one really knows what it is – but I consider it positive, because you will also do it ”, a said Trump.

“So you won’t spend as much, and you will get the same result, hope it. Deepseek’s publication, AI of a Chinese company, should be alarm clock for our industries that we must focus on the laser on competition to win. »»

Trump tackled development after the cheaper IA Deepseek allegations made the composite of Nasdaq slide more than 3% on Monday – as a NVIDIA high performance flea buyer reserved for almost 17%.

“I would say that it is a positive that could be a positive evolution. Instead of spending billions and billions, you will spend less than what you offer, hopefully, the same solution, “said Trump.

The Chinese company said it had spent $ 5.6 million $ 5.6 million with its AI – a drop in the bucket compared to the investment of the main American companies such as Openai and Meta – and claimed to use flea market Relatively cheap to do so.

The new offer immediately increased to be the first download of the Apple App Store on Monday.

The United States has export controls imposed on the critical equipment of Nvidia in China, which is why the breakthrough of Deepseek was so annoying for American investors.

Some have hypothesized that Deepseek had found bypass solutions to these export controls and in fact spent much more than what had been publicly claimed.

“I understand that Deepseek has around 50,000 h100, which they cannot speak of, obviously, because it is against the export controls that the United States has set up,” said CEO of AA , AI, Alexandr Wang, at CNBC last week.

Deportations for non-illegals too

During a riff on his efforts to put an end to border chaos and repress illegal immigration, Trump said he would like to expel more than illegal immigrants.

“We follow illegal extraterrestrial criminals,” Trump started. “We hold them and throw them the hell of our country. We have no excuses and we move forward very quickly. »»

“We also have many violent criminals in our country, however, which have not necessarily come here illegally but have been arrested 30 times, 35 times, 41, 42 times in a few cases, 25 times, 18 times 30 for murder [and] Other odious accusations, “he added.

The president did not specify if he referred to immigrants who live in the United States legally, the American citizens or the two who have committed repeated criminal offenses.

Trump discussed development after Deepseek’s claims of the cheaper AI made the composite of Nasdaq slides more than 3% on Monday – while the action of the manufacturer of Tamias Ai Nvidia landed by almost 17%. Reuters

“I don’t want more of these violent recurrences in our country that I don’t want illegal foreigners from other countries,” he said.

Trump also suggested that he could try to change policy to expand deportations beyond illegal immigrants.

“This is subject to the approval of his approved, but if they have been arrested many times [and] These are recurrences by many figures, I want them to get out of our country, ”he warned. “I will also look for permission to do so.”

“We are going to obtain approval, let us hope, to get them out of our country, as well as others, let them be brought to a foreign country and maintained by others for a very small sum, instead of Be maintained in our prisons for massive sums. »»

Prices on chips, drugs and metals

Trump also praised his large -scale prices plans as part of his new economic strategy.

The President did not directly mention the status of his already announced threat to slap 25% of prices on Canadian and Mexican products on February 1 as a penalty for illegal immigration and the fight against drugs – while describing new plans.

“In the very close future, we will place prices on foreign production of computer flea, semiconductors and pharmaceutical products to make the production of these essential products in the United States of America,” said Trump.

“They left us, and they went to Taiwan, which represents around 98% of the Chip activity. And we want them to come back, and we do not want to give them billions of dollars, like this ridiculous program of Biden. »»

“They didn’t need money. They needed an incitement, “said Trump.

“And the incentive will be that they will not want to pay a tax of 25, 50 or even 100%. They will build their factory with their own money. We don’t have to give them money.

Trump added that “if you want to stop paying taxes or prices, you need to build your factory here in America.”

Trump revealed that other metal rate rate rate plans – in addition to the existing prices on steel and aluminum of most countries, which he adopted during his first mandate.

“I will also place prices on steel, aluminum and copper and the things we need for our soldiers,” said Trump.

Trump said he would impose prices on countries for refusing to take up illegal immigrants – after the weekend, Colombia quickly forced expulsion flights with similar threats.

“They will take them back quickly,” he said, “and if they don’t, they will pay a very high economic price, and we will immediately install massive prices. It will be placed on them and Other sanctions.

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