Turks in US urge Biden to end disinformation campaign against Turkey

The Turkish American National Steering Committee (TASC) sent a letter to US President Joe Biden, expressing concern over a disinformation campaign led by some members of the House of Representatives regarding Turkey.

The letter, written by U.S. citizens and TASC members, alleges that Representatives Christopher Smith and Lloyd Doggett misled some members into writing the letter, noting that more than 300 members did not participate in the disinformation campaign.

The letter points out that Turkey, a member of the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights, also has the second largest army in NATO. It underlines Turkey’s leading role in humanitarian missions and notes that it hosts the largest number of refugees in the world.

The letter criticized Smith for distorting the criminal cases against members of the Gülenist terrorist organization (FETO), highlighting the devastation caused by FETO’s July 15 coup attempt.

It read: “For the American people, January 6th at the Capitol is the same as July 15th for the Turkish people.”

The letter reiterates that the United States condemns the FETO coup attempt and points out that Smith’s letter was prepared by FETO supporters. It stresses that the terrorist organization remains a “dangerous entity” for American democracy and that some of its schools in the United States have not been closed, leading to continued exploitation.

The letter states that the Turkish-American community condemns all of FETO’s activities and views, including its anti-Semitic stance, and calls for restraint and a thorough investigation.

She concludes: “No member of the House of Representatives or American leader should feel compelled to follow the twisted path of the Gülen cult.”

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