BestInterest Offers Free Diplomatic AI Messaging Filtering

San Francisco, March 04, 2025 (Globe Newswire) – In response to tense exchanges between two presidents last week, Best Interest proudly announces Best Intest for Heads of State – an innovative diplomacy application fueled by AI. As a gesture of our commitment to international peace, we have provided free access to all foreign heads of state, automatically helping them automatically filter inappropriate, aggressive or toxic messages from other world leaders.

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Developed to help co-parents sail in relations with a high conflict, Bestintest has managed to improve communication for thousands of families. Recognizing that world diplomacy often resembles a high conflict co -parenting (but with less frequent childcare exchanges and more nuclear threats), we have adapted our award -winning technology for world leaders.

For the first time, the presidents, the dictators, the prime ministers and even the despots can have peace in their reception box, regardless of the toxic of their counterparts.

Key Features World Leaders Need:

  • Active Message Filtration: Ensures that incoming messages remain professional, diplomatic and respectful – automatically relax toxic content.
  • Message Training: Rewriting AI assisted by outgoing messages to prevent diplomatic incidents or unnecessary tensions.
  • Message limits: Manage the frequency of messages to receive only truly urgent communications (for example, nuclear threats), avoiding the end of evening disturbances of verbose counterparts.

Message filtering Example:

  • Underect Message Since A Vice President has A stranger Head of State: “Did you say thank you once this whole meeting?”
  • After our filter: “The vice-president said he was concerned about your recognition of support provided. Consider neutral recognition if a timely response is required by your diplomatic agreement.”

Which can use Best Interest for chiefs of State?

  • Presidents & Prime Ministers Your reception box East Already complete of economic disputes, security threats and commercial negotiations– Why waste time spending through Ego -focused posture? Bestintest keeps your communication Clear, concise and ready for the next elections.
  • Kings, Queens and Supreme Leaders – It is not because you constantly govern mean You to have has agreement with undiplomatic absurdity that East below You. Keep your mailbox Civil, strategic and without embarrassing guys.
  • Despots, strong men and grass kleptocrats We understand: govern with an iron fist brand You unique sensitive has sooty communication. You can do not worry about leaks, Dear Chief, but Best interest assured all messages Since Foreign leaders remain inferential, flattering and properly respectful of your esteem stature.
  • To come soon: support for non -elected officials The in-laws are also the parents, and everyone prosper When were all on THE even page. While Best interest For The heads of state initially supports recognized world leaders, we are actively working on the widening of the coverage to include self -proclaimed decision -makers – in particular those who like to send end -of -evening diatribes via non -encrypted channels.

Declaration of Bestinstrest Founder:

“World leaders, like coparers, deserve the relief of aggressive texts, veiled threats and toxic messages,” said Sol Kennedy, founder of Bestintest. “Just like Best Interest for Coparents helps parents rebuild their lives and focus on their children, the best interest in heads of state uses AI to restore dignity, clarity and civility to global communications.”

“We focus firmly on the support of coparers to find peace, clarity and civility, even in the most difficult situations,” added Kennedy. “Expansion to international diplomacy is an extension of our basic mission to facilitate peaceful communication.”

World leaders interested in learning how the best integration can improve their diplomatic communications are encouraged to apply for our beta to:

About Best interest

Bestintet is the first coparent application using AI to reduce conflicts and improve communication between co-parents. Designed to support co-parents through the spectrum, from collaboration to high conflicts, the application helps parents focus on their children by filtering harmful messages, offering real-time communication coaching and providing eligible files in court. With features such as customizable notifications, a coparent review and advice supported by experts, parents allow parents to create a healthier co -parenting environment – no agreement of the other required parent.

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